The Rowdy Goddess

An Ecstatic Vision of the Goddess, dancing in harmony with the Universe.

Archive for the tag “Wolf”

Howling at the Moon Tarot Spread

Last week I wrote about Howling in Winter and the power of the Wolf.  Today, by tapping into that power, I’m posting a Tarot spread based on the Wolf’s Howl.  A-Whhhhooooooooo!

This spread can  be used to help clarify situations; to help you see things that you are not seeing and to provide guidance for avoiding pitfalls as well as what is needed to move forward.

Tarot spread


 Card One:       The Heart of the Matter

Card Two:      How does the situation express itself?

Card Three:    Inner wisdom needed

Card Four:     Fears or what is to be avoided.

Card Five:      What are the next steps to move forward?

  May your journey follow your voice of freedom and release!






















Howling in Winter

1344862-bigthumbnailIt’s another cold day in Rowdy Goddess Land.  Not quite negative numbers but pretty darn close.  This week has been full of kvetching and teeth gritting as we are just trying to get and stay warm.  There is an edginess to everything while the snow keeps blowing and the winds keep howling.  It seems that a lot of the talk and news is difficult.  It’s time to release that frenetic energy, I think.  Much of my spiritual practice involves being connected to the sacred and being grounded in the steadfast stability of Mother Earth.

I developed this grounding during the Full Wolf Moon in January and I think it’s a gift that keeps on giving.  In addition, the howling whether at the moon or at the winter that lingers too long, is an excellent release of that nervous energy that doesn’t allow us stillness or peace.  So please howl and find joy again!  Note:  For a group, you might want to have everyone say their name and to end it with a tone and encourage them to keep toning until everyone is done and the meld into the meditation.

 You are standing at the edge of a field on a wintry night.  There is a light, fluffy snow falling and a dusting on the ground.  The full moon is big and round, illuminating the world with magical light.  You hear wolves howling in the distance.  A-Whoooooo, they call.  A-Whoooo you answer.  Within the music of the wolves, you look around the field, you see a forest edging the field, filled with trees of all kinds.  One of them calls to you. 

 You walk to the tree and put your hand on its bark.  You are pulled slowly and lovingly towards the tree until you are in its embrace.  You feel the sap, and the bark, and the branches as you slowly and lovingly meld with the tree.

 You begin to feel your treeness, your trunk firm and solid, warm and strong.  What was once your feet and toes reach down, down down into Mother Earth.  You feel the Earth embrace you and hold you as you move down, down, and down.  You find a place to loop your roots and you do so firmly and flexibly.

 Feel the energy of Mother Earth in your roots and in your trunk.  You feel your sap stir as her energy feeds you and invigorates you.  And you are filled with energy as your arms and branches lift out into the sky and up to the Moon.  The Full Moon reaches out and embraces you and you are filled with her energy.  She keeps you strong and loved and full of her illuminating light. 

 As you stand there in grace and beauty, you realize your roots and branches mingle with the other trees in the forest.  You feel their energy flowing through you to the next as you share love, blessings, and joy.

 With a long deep breath, you come back to the here and now.  With a second deep breath, you open your eyes, grounded in Mother Earth, embraced by the Full Moon, and encircled by your brothers and sisters. 



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